check request_method:", $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] , ":

"; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']!='POST') { echo ""; echo "

Thanks for interest.

"; echo "

I encourage you to get involved in your local community by attending meetings or volunteering. There are many ways to make our community better for everyone. Just pick one! "; // echo "

I want to volunteer or get more information

"; // show_form(); ?>     Landowner planting sign check empty first/last/email

"; if (empty($_POST['firstname']) || empty($_POST['lastname']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['address']) || empty($_POST['city']) || empty($_POST['state']) || empty($_POST['zipcode']) ) { echo ""; $bartitle="Some required fields were missing -- please complete required fields"; show_bartitle($bartitle); show_form ( $_POST['email'], $_POST['firstname'], $_POST['lastname'], $_POST['phone'], $_POST['fax'], $_POST['address'], $_POST['city'], $_POST['state'], $_POST['zipcode'], $_POST['optout'] ); } else { //echo "

check email format

"; if (bad_email_format($_POST['email'])) { echo ""; $bartitle="Email address not in correct format "; show_bartitle($bartitle); show_form ( $_POST['email'], $_POST['firstname'], $_POST['lastname'], $_POST['phone'], $_POST['fax'], $_POST['address'], $_POST['city'], $_POST['state'], $_POST['zipcode'], $_POST['optout'] ); } //if bad_email_format else { //echo "

sending the mail

"; $_POST['regip']=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //echo "

before insert "; echo ""; send_admin($_POST); #$bartitle=sitename . " Thank You for Signing Up"; #show_bartitle($bartitle); echo "

Thank You for Signing Up

"; echo ""; echo "
Firstname:",$_POST['firstname']; echo "
Lastname:",$_POST['lastname']; echo "
Email:",$_POST['email']; echo "

"; if ($_POST['optout'] == "Donate") { echo "
"; include("$incpath/"); echo "
"; } else{ echo "Thank you for your interest. We will contact you soon.

"; } } //else } } include("$incpath/footer.php"); ?>